dc.description.abstract | Proverbs which are parts of vocabulary, were accepted as rules and advice in societies when the written culture was not common. Proverbs were recorded in various works. Some of these works, Turks, some of it is the work of foreigners. Transcription monuments made of works written especially for Europeans. Because transcription monuments showed the connection between the Turkish language and European languages, they were interesting for European Turkish language researchers. Turkish language materials so called Transcription monuments are written with the alphabet of Latin, Greek, Armanian, Kiril, Assyrian, Jew, Georgian etc. This monuments are not the product of a native language speakers. the requirement of grammar and dictionary were satisfied in Prussia-Ottoman government relations by J. V Preindl’s Grammaire Turque. 1. Part of Grammaire Turque contains class of name (1. s.). 2. Part contains gradation features (18. s.). 3. Part contains numbers (21. s.). 4. Part contains verbs (25. s.). 5. Part contains class of preposition (80. s.). 6. Part contains word groups (94. s.). 7. Part contains syntax formation (106. s.). 8. Part contains catechetical methods and the best useful sentences. (110. s.) 9. part contains turkish proverb (155. s.). 10. Part contains six fabls (163. s.). After the fabls, Grammaire Turque has Christianic prayer. At the end of the this work has a dictionary which contains with French lexical entry and Turkish explanations (175588. s.). The last part of this work contains erratum. (589-591. s.). Transcription monument is very important for Turkey which has used the Latin alphabet Since 1928. Preindl showed the status of the end of 18th century of Turkey Turkish with phonetics, morphology, syntax features, various texts and extend dictionary in Grammaire Turque. This article, proverbs in Grammaire Turque written by Preindl were examined. 40 items are included under the heading of proverbs at the Grammaire Turque of Preindl: 1 phrases, 38 proverb, 1 verse from the Shah Ismayil Khatai. 32 from 38 proverb was detected from sources. 5 could not be determined from the source. 1 proverb given as phrase. 1 of phrases that included in the proverbs list at the Grammaire Turque of Preindl was detected from sources. A part of Shah Ismail verses spread and gained anonymous feature. STRUCTURED ABSTRACT This monuments are not the product of a native language speakers. the requirement of grammar and dictionary were satisfied in PrussiaOttoman government relations by J. V Preindl’s Grammaire Turque. 1. Part of Grammaire Turque contains class of name (1. s.). 2. Part contains gradation features (18. s.). 3. Part contains numbers (21. s.). 4. Part contains verbs (25. s.). 5. Part contains class of preposition (80. s.). 6. Part contains word groups (94. s.). 7. Part contains syntax formation (106. s.). 8. Part contains catechetical methods and the best useful sentences. (110. s.) 9. part contains turkish proverb (155. s.). 10. Part contains six fabls (163. s.). After the fabls, Grammaire Turque has Christianic prayer. At the end of the this work has a dictionary which contains with French lexical entry and Turkish explanations (175-588. s.). The last part of this work contains erratum. (589-591. s.). Transcription monument is very important for Turkey which has used the Latin alphabet Since 1928. Preindl showed the status of the End of 18th century of Turkey Turkish with phonetics, morphology, syntax features, various texts and extend dictionary in Grammaire Turque. This article, proverbs in Grammaire Turque written by Preindl were examined. 40 items are included under the heading of proverbs at the Grammaire Turque of Preindl: 2 phrases, 38 proverb, 1 verse from the Shah Ismail Khatai. 31 from 37 proverb was detected from sources. 6 could not be determined from the source. 1 of phrases that included in the proverbs list at the Grammaire Turque of Preindl was detected from sources. A part of Shah Ismail verses spread and gained anonymous feature. Turkish Proverbs at Grammaire Turque Preindl 40 items are included under the heading of proverbs at the Grammaire Turque of Preindl: 1 phrases, 38 proverb, 1 verse from the Shah Ismail Khatai. Proverbs 32 from 38 proverb was detected from sources. Eyülik eyle, denize bırak, balık bilmezse, halık bilür İyilik et denize at; balık bilmezse Halik bilir (Aksoy, Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 1991, s. 301). [< Eulik eyle, denize brak, balik bilmezse, halik bilur 'Fais du bien, jete quelque chose dans la mer, si le poisson n'en est pas reconnoissant, Dieu le sera'. C'est à dire: Fai toujours du bien, même aux ingrats, Dieu t'en tiendra compte] (155) Kul dedügi olmaz, Allah dedügi olur Kulun dediği olmaz, Allah'ın dediği olur (Yurtbaşı, Sınıflandırılmış Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 2013, s. 44). [< Koul dedoughi olmaz, Allah dedoughi olour Il ne se fait pas ce, que dit l'homme, mais ce que dit Dieu. C'est à dire: L'homme propose, Dieu dispose.] (155) Egrü otur, dogru söyle Eğri otur, doğru söyle (Aksoy, Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 1991, s. 234). [< Egru otour, dogrou soyle Sois courbé assis, droit en parlant. N'importe la contenance, pourvûque tu parles droit] (156) Nesibün varise, gelür Yemen'den, nesibün yok ise, düşer dehenden Nasibin varsa gelir Yemen'den; nasibin yoksa düşer dehenden (ağızdan) ~ Kısmet ise gelir Hint'ten, Yemen'den; kismet değilse ne gelir elden (Yurtbaşı, Sınıflandırılmış Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 2013, s. 36). [< Nesibun varisa, guelur yemind en, nesibun yok ise, douscher dehenden. Ce, qu’est prédestiné a toi, viendra de l’Arabie fortunée, & ce, qui ne l’est pas, t’échapera encore de la bouche. Ce, qui nous est prédestiné, & pour ce, qui ne l’est pas, toute peine sera inutile.] (156) Her gün bayram deyil Her gün bayram değil ~ Her gün bir olmaz (Aksoy, Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 1991, s. 277). [< Her guoun bayram deyl Il n’y a pas fête tous les jours] (156) Delüye her gün bayram Deliye her gün bayram (Aksoy, Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 1991, s. 214). [< Deluye her guoun bayram Pour le fou il y a fête tours les jours] (156) Tehi dest kapuya varsan, Efendi uyur derler; elinde bir bahşiş varise, Efendüm gel, buyur, derler Eli boş kapıya varırsan, efendi uyur, derler; elinde bahşiş varsa, efendim gel, buyur, derler~ Eli boşa 'Ağa uyur.' derler; eli doluya 'Ağa buyur.' derler’ (Yurtbaşı, Sınıflandırılmış Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 2013, s. 346). [< Tehi dest kapouya varsan, Efendi ouyour derler; elinde bir bahschisch varisa, Efendum guel, bouyour, derler Si tu vas à la porte d’un Seigneur la main vuide: on dira: le maitre dort; mais si tu as quelque présent en main, on dira: entrez, Seigneur, s’il vous plait.] (156) Sud ile giren huy, can ile çıkar Sütle giren huy, canla çıkar (Aksoy, Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 1991, s. 386). [< Soud ile guiren houy, dschanile tschikar Ce qu’entre de coutume avec le lait, ne sort, qu’avec l’ame. Il est difficile de se défaire de ce, qu’on s’est accoutumé dans l’enfance.] (157) Gül çengelsiz, muhabbet engelsiz olmaz Gül çengelsiz, muhabbet engelsiz olmaz ~ Gül dikensiz yar engelsiz olmaz (Yurtbaşı, Sınıflandırılmış Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 2013, s. 390). [< Guil tschenguil siz, muhabbet enguil siz olmaz La rose n’est pas sans épine, l’amour pas sans rival.] (157) Sabır eylemek şazlık anahtardur Sabreylemek şenlik anahtarıdır (Yurtbaşı, Sınıflandırılmış Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 2013, s. 394). [< Sabr eylemek schazlik anahtar dur La patience est la clef du plaisir.] (157) Eski pembük bez olmaz Eski pamuk bez olmaz ~ Eski pamuktan bez kötü demirden kılıç (Ahmet Vefik Paşa Paşa, 2005, s. 139). [< Eski pembouk bez olmaz Du vieux coton on ne fait pas de bonne toile.] (157) Atılan ok dönmez Atılan ok (geri) dönmez (Aksoy, Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 1991, s. 153). [< Atilan ok dönmez La fleche tirée ne retourne plus. Quod factum est, infectum fieri nequit.] (157) Bir çıblağı bin cebelü soy(a)maz Bir çıplağı bin zırhlı soyamaz (Yurtbaşı, Sınıflandırılmış Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 2013, s. 246). [< Bir tschiblak bin dschebelu soymaz Un homme nud mille curassieurs ne déshabilleront pas, ne voleront pas. Ou il n’y a rien, il n’y a rien à prendre.] (157) Bugünki yumurta yarınki taukdan yegdür Bugünkü yumurta yarınki tavuktan yeğdir (iyidir) (Yurtbaşı, Sınıflandırılmış Atasözleri Sözlüğü, 2013, s. 398). [< Bouguounki youmourta yarinki taoukdan yek dur L’euf d’aujourd’hui vaut mieux que le poulet de demain. Il vaut mieux se contenter de peu de choses, que de se fier à des grandes promesses.] (158) | en_US |