Effects of Different Packaging Techniques on the Microbiological and Physicochemical Properties of Coated Pumpkin Slices

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2016-04-19Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Aksu, F., Uran, H., Dülger Altıner, D., Altunatmaz, S.S., 2016. Effects of Different Packaging Techniques on the Microbiological and Physicochemical Properties of Coated Pumpkin Slices. Food Science and Technology (Campinas), 36(3): 549-554.Özet
In this study the effects of zein film coating along with benzoic acid on the quality of sliced pumpkin samples, which were packaged with different techniques were investigated. The samples were allocated into different groups and were treated with different processes. Following processing, the samples were stored at +4 °C for twenty days. Physicochemical and microbiological analyses were carried out on the samples once every five days during the storage period. According to color analysis, the L* value was observed to have significantly decreased in the processed and packaged samples in comparison with the control group. Besides, a* and b* values increased in all groups. It was determined that zein film alone did not exhibit the expected effectiveness against moisture loss in the samples. According to the results of microbiological analysis, a final decrease at approximately 1.00 log level was determined in total count of mesophilic aerobic bacteria (TMAB) in the group which was vacuum packaged in PVDC with zein coating when compared with the initial TMAB. Furthermore, no molding occurred in zein-coated group on the last day of the storage period, while massive mold growth was noted in the group which was packaged without any pretreatment procedure.