Now showing items 1-5 of 5
On the Periodicies of the Difference Equation xn+1 = xnxn-1+a
In this paper, we investigate the periodicities and long-term behaviour of the nonlinear difference equation: xn+1=xnxn-1+a, n?N0 , where the initial conditions x-1 and x0 are real numbers.
On the Asymptoticaly Periodic Solutions of A Fifth Order Difference Equation
In this paper we investigate the stability of solutions of difference equation xn+1 = xn?1xn?4 ? 1. We also study periodic solutions of related difference equation especially asymptotic periodicity.
On The Dynamics of a Nonlinear Difference Equation
In this study we investigate the stability of solutions of difference equation xn+1 =xn-3xn-4-1. Moreover, we study periodic and eventually periodic solutions of related difference equation.
Stability and Periodic Nature of a System of Difference Equations
In this paper, we investigate the equilibrium points of following a system of difference equations x_{n+1}=x_{n-2}y_{n}-1,y_{n+1}=y_{n-2}x_{n}-1. We also study the asymptotic stability of related system of difference ...
Global dynamics of a higher order difference equation with a quadratic term
(Springer Heidelberg, 2021)
In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of the following higher order difference equation x(n+1) = A + B x(n)/x(n-m)(2) with A, B and initial conditions are positive numbers, and m is an element of {2, 3, ...}. Especially ...