Now showing items 1-10 of 28
On the Periodicies of the Difference Equation xn+1 = xnxn-1+a
In this paper, we investigate the periodicities and long-term behaviour of the nonlinear difference equation: xn+1=xnxn-1+a, n?N0 , where the initial conditions x-1 and x0 are real numbers.
On the Asymptoticaly Periodic Solutions of A Fifth Order Difference Equation
In this paper we investigate the stability of solutions of difference equation xn+1 = xn?1xn?4 ? 1. We also study periodic solutions of related difference equation especially asymptotic periodicity.
On The Dynamics of a Nonlinear Difference Equation
In this study we investigate the stability of solutions of difference equation xn+1 =xn-3xn-4-1. Moreover, we study periodic and eventually periodic solutions of related difference equation.
For the Sake of a Crescent, From Balkan to Anatolia by Ertuğrul Karakuş: Book Review
The work titled as “For the Sake of a Crescent, From Balkan to Anatolia” of Asst. Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul KARAKUŞ, who is an academic member of Kırklareli University, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Department of Contemporary ...
A Measure Against Unemployment Problem Expected to Occur by Industry 4.0: Cittaslow
Industry 4.0, or with the other name the 4th industrial revolution, is composed of integratedly with components like data exchange and related manufacturing technology thanks to automatic control systems and internet. Due ...
Ankara Temple (Monumentum Ancyranum) / Restoratıon For Temple Of Augustus And Rome
Temple of Augustus and Rome, also referred as Monumentum Ancyranum (Ankara Temple), is located near Haci Bayram Mosque in Ulus, Ankara. The temple which was built on behalf of Phrygian God `Men` in 2nd century BC has ...
Investigation of Architecture and Structural Deterioration Factors of Historical Kutahya Houses
Kutahya is a city of civilization which has hosted many civilizations. It has made a name for being the center of many civilizations and an important point of passage in history for an eight thousand-year period. The way ...
Gaussian Generalized Tribonacci Numbers
In this paper, we define Gaussian generalized Tribonacci numbers and as special cases, we investigate Gaussian Tribonacci and Gaussian Tribonacci-Lucas numbers with their properties.
Stability and Periodic Nature of a System of Difference Equations
In this paper, we investigate the equilibrium points of following a system of difference equations x_{n+1}=x_{n-2}y_{n}-1,y_{n+1}=y_{n-2}x_{n}-1. We also study the asymptotic stability of related system of difference ...
Bilgi, günümüzde işletmeler için çok önemli bir kaynaktır. Bilgi işletmeleri ayakta tutmanın yanı sıra tüm ürün ve hizmetlerin önemli bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Bilginin işletmeye yarar sağlaması için bilgi yönetimi ...