Browsing by Author "Dursun, Bahtiyar"
Now showing items 1-20 of 38
A Study Based On To Determine University Students' Perspective Intended For European Union Membership
Ünal, Aydın; Dursun, Bahtiyar; Özkan, Selçuk; İzmirli, Sultan Mehtap; Altay, Ahmet; Gürdal, Seda Akın (2012)Bu çalışmada; üniversite eğitimi alan gençlerin Türkiye’nin AB’ye üyelik sürecine bakış açıları ve üniversite eğitimi alan gençlerin AB üyeliğinden ekonomik ve özgürlükler anlamında beklentileri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. ... -
Yüksek, İzzet; Görgülü, Sertaç; Kocabey, Süreyya; Tuna, Murat; Dursun, Bahtiyar (Znack Publishing House, 2015)This study was conducted to evaluate the daylighting performances of classrooms. For this study, a classroom in Kayali Campus and two classrooms in Kavakli Campus of Kirklareli University have been selected. In these ... -
Assesment of Daylighting Performances of Classrooms: A Case Study in Kırklareli Universıty, Turkey
This study was conducted to evaluate the daylighting performances of classrooms. For this study, a classroom in Kayali Campus and two classrooms in Kavakli Campus of Kirklareli University have been selected. In these ... -
Bölgesel Kalkınmada Etkin Rol Oynaması Beklenen Meslek Yüksekokulu Mezunlarının Problemleri ve Çözüm Önerileri: Kırklareli Örneği
The qualified technical staff requirement is one of the most important necessities of the Thracian religion’s industrial companies. The contribution of a technical staff on development and usage of the company’s technologic ... -
Career Choices of University Students in Terms of Demographic Characteristics: The Sample Of Pınarhısar Vocational College
Yılmaz, İbrahim Alpay; Dursun, Bahtiyar; Pektaş, Kemal; Altay, Ahmet (Kırklareli Üniversitesi, 2012)İçinde bulunduğumuz bilgi toplumunda meslek yaşamı kavramı, değişiklik göstermekte ve kariyer kavramı ön plana çıkmaktadır. Kişilerin bir meslek alanında dikey bir biçimde yükselmeleri geleneği, bilgi toplumunda değişmekte; ... -
A comprehensive economical and environmental analysis of the renewable power generating systems for Kirklareli University, Turkey
Gökçöl, Cihan; Dursun, Bahtiyar (Elsevier Science Sa, 2013)This paper is to investigate various renewable based hybrid systems with five minimum renewable penetration rates (RPR) for Pinarhisar Educational Campus in Kirklareli University, to present the effects of making the system ... -
The contribution of wind-hydro pumped storage systems in meeting Turkey's electric energy demand
Dursun, Bahtiyar; Alboyacı, Bora (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2010)Renewable energy resources have played an important role to meet increasing energy demand in the world. Among the renewable energy resources, especially, wind energy is of interest due to some advantages, such as being ... -
Determination of the optimum hybrid renewable power generating systems for Kavakli campus of Kirklareli University, Turkey
Dursun, Bahtiyar (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2012)This study is to search for possibilities of supplying the load demand of Kavakli campus of Kirklareli University with solar energy and the fuel cell power generating system (electrolyzer/hydrogen tank/fuel cell) by using ... -
Determination Of The Optimum Renewable Power Generating Systems For An Educational Campus In Kirklareli University
Gökçöl, Cihan; Dursun, Bahtiyar (Kırklareli Üniversitesi, 2011)This paper is to investigate whether the energy demand of Pinarhisar educational campus in Kırklareli University is fully met by using various types of the renewable power generating systems and also search for the optimum ... -
Economic analysis of a wind-battery hybrid system: an application for a house in Gebze, Turkey, with moderate wind energy potential
Dursun, Bahtiyar; Gökçöl, Cihan (2012)In this study, the energy demand of a house in Gebze, Turkey, is met by using wind energy as a primary energy source combined with rechargeable batteries. The wind-battery system is simulated by MATLAB while considering ... -
Eğitim Kurumlarında Aydınlatma Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi İle İlgili Bir Uygulama
Dursun, Bahtiyar; Sarı, Ali; Gökozan, Hayrettin (2006)Eğitim öğretim faaliyetlerindeki aydınlatmanın amaç , okul ortamındaki eğitmen ve öğrencilerin her ikisi için de öğretme-öğrenme sürecini destekleyici optimum görsel çevreyi temin etmektir. Bir ortamın aydınlatma özellikleri; ... -
Elektrikli Ev Aletlerinde CE Uyumluluğu Ve Bir Uygulama
Ekren, Nazmi; Aykut, Ercan; Dursun, Bahtiyar (2009)Hızla gelişen teknoloji, artan rekabet ortamı ve kullanıcının bilinçlenmesi gibi nedenlerden dolayı kaliteli üretim yapmanın gerekliliği günümüzde daha da artmıştır. Ürün kalitesinin ve güvenilirliğinin belgelenmesi tüketici ... -
An Evaluation of Wind Energy Characteristics for Four Different Locations in Balikesir
Dursun, Bahtiyar; Alboyacı, Bora (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2011)This paper presents an investigation and evaluation of wind energy characteristics of four different regions in Balikesir, Turkey, namely, Gonen, Bandirma, Dursunbey, and Ayvalik. Wind speed data and wind direction measured ... -
Examination of Harmonics in Incandescent Lamps and CFLs
Aykut, Ercan; Dursun, Bahtiyar; Büyüktümtürk, Fuat; Ekren, Nazmi (London Science Publishing Ltd, 2010)Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) are widely used in lighting technology since they have less power consumption and more efficiency compared with incandescent lamps. They require neither external ballast nor a starter. ... -
A Fixed Speed Induction Generator Model for Unbalanced Power Flow Analysis
Balcı, Murat Erhan; Hocaoğlu, Mehmet Hakan; Koksoy, Ahmet; Öztürk, Onur; Dursun, Bahtiyar (Ieee, 2014)This paper proposes a model of the induction generator for the phase-domain power flow analysis of fixed speed wind turbine generating systems connected to balanced or unbalanced three-phase distribution systems. The ... -
Halk Kütüphanelerinde Çocuklara ve Gençlere Yönelik Yenilikçi Bilgi Hizmetleri:Türkiye’de Durum
Altay, Ahmet; Todorova, Tania; Dursun, Bahtiyar (2013)Çocukların ve gençlerin kütüphane kullanma alışkanlığının günden güne azaldığı günümüzde; halk kütüphanelerinin amaçlarına ulaşması ve varlıklarını devam ettirmeleri için her geçen gün hızla farklılaşan koşullara uyum ... -
Impacts of the renewable energy law on the developments of wind energy in Turkey
Dursun, Bahtiyar; Gökçöl, Cihan (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2014)Wind energy, which is one of the most significant renewable energy sources in the world, may be a promising alternative for Turkey in both short and long term. Although wind energy applications in Turkey began around the ... -
Importance of biomass energy as alternative to other sources in Turkey
Gökçöl, Cihan; Dursun, Bahtiyar; Alboyacı, Bora; Sunan, Erkan (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2009)Energy plays a vital role in socio-economic development and raising standards of human beings. Turkey is a rapidly growing country; both its population and economy are expanding each year so its energy demand increases ... -
Lighting Computer Programs in Lighting Technology
Ekren, Nazmi; Dursun, Bahtiyar; Aykut, Ercan (2008)It is well known that the computer in lighting technology is a vital component for lighting designers. Lighting computer programs are preferred in preparing architectural projects in lighting techniques, especially in ... -
Modeling and Estimating of Load Demand of Electricity Generated from Hydroelectric Power Plants in Turkey using Machine Learning Methods
In this study, the electricity load demand, between 2012 and 2021, has been estimated using the load demand of the electricity generated from hydroelectric power plants in Turkey between 1970 and 2011. Among machine learning ...