Browsing by Author "Aşkın, Buket"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Antosiyaninlerin Stabilitesini Etkileyen Faktörler
Aşkın, Buket; Küçüköner, Erdoğan (2019)Bilindiği gibi antosiyaninler meyve ve sebzelerin kırmızı, mavi, mor tonlardaki renginden sorumluolan bileşiklerdir. Doğal renk maddelerinden biri olan antosiyaninler flavonoidler grubunda yer alanpigmentlerdir. Antosiyaninler ... -
Bioactive Compounds, Antioxidant Potential and Color Properties of Dried Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
Aşkın, Buket; Yazıcı, Sercan Özbek (2021)This experiment was carried out to study the effects of drying on physical quality, color development, bioactive compounds and antioxidant potential of red peppers (Capsicum annuum L.). Dry matter, surface color values ... -
Changes in anthocyanins and colour of black mulberry (Morus nigra) juice during clarification and pasteurization
Aşkın, Buket; Türkyılmaz, Meltem; Özkan, Mehmet; Küçüköner, Erdoğan (Springer, 2021)The effects of enzymatic treatment, clarification with bentonite, gelatin and kieselsol, and pasteurization on the anthocyanins (ACNs) and colour of black mulberry juice (BMJ) were studied. Enzymatic treatment caused ... -
Color, phenolic composition, and antioxidant properties of hardaliye (fermented grape beverage) under different storage conditions
Aşkın, Buket; Atik, Azize (2016)This study was conducted to determine the effects of storage temperature and time on color and antioxidant properties of hardaliye. Hardaliye was obtained from papazkarası blue-black grapes as a potential source of anthocyanin ... -
Comparison of aroma profiles of essential oils extracted by hydro-distillation from orange peel waste dried by various methods
Aşkın, Buket (Vup Food Research Inst, Bratislava, 2021)Effects of oven-drying at 45 degrees C (OD45), oven-drying at 55 degrees C (OD55) and microwave-drying at 400 W, 560 W and 700 W (MW400, MW560, MW700) on the content of essential oil extracted using hydro-distillation were ... -
Determination of Antioxidant Properties and Composition of Rosemary and Thyme Essential Oils
This study aimed to determine the antioxidant activity and chemical composition of essential oils obtained from thyme and rosemary. In our study, the yield for thyme essential oil was determined as 1.34% and the yield for ... -
Effect of deep frying process on the quality of the refined oleic/linoleic sunflower seed oil and olive oil
Aşkın, Buket; Kaya, Yalçın (Springer India, 2020)The main goal of this study was to compare the changes that happen during the frying process with the refined oleic sunflower oil (ROSO), refined olive oil (ROO) and refined linoleic sunflower oil (RLSO) in 5-day testing ... -
Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities and Antifungal Activity of Different Plants Species Against Pink Mold Rot-Causing Trichothecium roseum
Balkan, Bilal; Balkan, Seda; Aydogdu, Halide; Guler, Necmettin; Ersoy, Hüseyin; Aşkın, Buket (Springer Heidelberg, 2017)Trichothecium roseum causes the pink mold rot in many fruits and vegetables around the world. Due to this infection, significant losses arise in foods. In order to control this infection, plant extracts offer alternative ... -
Evaluation of antioxidant and antifungal activities of several plants against agents of postharvest citrus sour rot and green mould rot
Balkan, Bilal; Aydogdu, Halide; Balkan, Seda; Aşkın, Buket; Ersoy, Hüseyin (Ars Docendi, 2019)The antifungal activities of chloroform extracts of 10 plants species belonging to Lamiaceae family, which were collected from Kirklareli (Turkey), against Geotrichum candidum, theagent of postharvest citrus sour rot and ... -
Güneş, Recep; Aşkın, Buket (2016)Karpuz kabakgiller familyas›nda yer alan ve dünyan›n özellikle s›cak ve ›l›man bölgelerinde yetiflen tek y›ll›k bir sebzedir. Ülkemiz, karpuz üretiminde dünyada 3. s›rada gelmekte ve taze tüketim baflta olmak üzere meyve ... -
Kırklareli Peynirlerinin Tarihsel Gelişimi ve Coğrafi Karakteristikleri
Aşkın, Buket (2019)Peynir üretimi ile eski zamanlardan bu yana önemli bir yere sahip olan Kırklareli ilinde önemli ticaripotansiyele sahip olan iki farklı peynir, Kırklareli Beyaz Peyniri (KBP) ve KBP ve KEKP üretimindebelli oranlarda koyun ... -
Portakal Kabuğunun Farklı Yöntemlerle Kurutulması ve Bazı Teknolojik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
Kaynarca, Gülce Bedis; Aşkın, Buket (2020)Çalışmamızda, farklı sıcaklıklarda fırın kurutma ve farklı güçlerde mikrodalga kurutma yöntemleriylekurutulmuş portakal kabuklarının bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla örnekler 45-65ºChava ... -
Properties of yogurt fortified with capsaicin extracts dissolved in high oleic sunflower oil
Aşkın, Buket; Öztürk, Deniz; Durusoy, Begüm; Kaya, Yalçın (Wiley, 2021)In the study, oleoresin containing capsaicin was extracted by solvent extraction from red hot pepper peel and seeds (extract of oleoresin containing capsaicin, OCE) and were used in yogurt production. Thus, it is aimed to ... -
Ülkemiz İçin Farklı Bir Yağ Kaynağı: Pirinç Kepeği Yağı
Pirinç kepeği yağı arzu edilen hafif tat ve aroması ile tüketici beğenisine uygun bir bitkisel yağdır. Ülkemizde fazla kullanımı olmasa da Hindistan, Japonya, Kore, Tayvan ve Çin gibi Asya ülkelerinde yaygın olarak ... -
Aşkın, Orhan Onur; Aşkın, Buket; Bakanoğulları, Gülce Bedis (Kırklareli Üniversitesi, 2018)Pirinçkepeği yağı arzu edilen hafif tat ve aroması ile tüketici beğenisine uygun birbitkisel yağdır. Ülkemizde fazla kullanımı olmasa da Japonya, Kore, Tayvan veÇin gibi Asya ülkelerinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. ...