Browsing by Author "Fidan, Can Bülent"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Altın Oran Denge Noktalarına Sahip 3 Boyutlu Bir Kaotik Osilatörün Gerçek Zamanlı Donanımsal Gerçeklemesi
Tuna, Murat; Fidan, Can Bülent; Koyuncu, İsmail; Pehlivan, İhsan (IEEE, 2016)In this study, the continuous-time, autonomous, 3D chaotic system having golden-section equilibra which is recently presented in the literature is implemented firstly as discrete time on an FPGA. In this design, the 3D ... -
Design, FPGA implementation and statistical analysis of chaos-ring based dual entropy core true random number generator
Koyuncu, İsmail; Tuna, Murat; Pehlivan, İhsan; Fidan, Can Bülent; Alçın, Murat (Springer, 2020)In this paper, a novel chaos-ring based dual entropy core TRNG architecture on FPGA with high operating frequency and high throughput has been performed and presented. The design of dual entropy core TRNG has been generated ... -
Effective and Reliable Speed Control of Permanent Magnet DC (PMDC) Motor under Variable Loads
Tuna, Murat; Fidan, Can Bülent; Kocabey, Süreyya; Görgülü, Sertaç (2015-11-15)This paper presents the effective and reliable speed control of PMDC motors under variable loads and reference speeds. As is known DC motors are more preferred in industrial practices. This is that, the PMDC motors don’t ... -
Electronic Circuit Design, Implementation and FPGA-Based Realization of a New 3D Chaotic System with Single Equilibrium Point
Tuna, Murat; Fidan, Can Bülent (2016)In this study, numerical, analog and digital circuit modellings were presented with 3 dimensional, continuous, autonomous new chaotic system. Lyapunov exponentials spectrum and bifurcation diagram were presented with ... -
Electronic circuit design, implementation and FPGA-based realization of a new 3D chaotic system with single equilibrium point
Tuna, Murat; Fidan, Can Bülent (Elsevier Gmbh, 2016)In this study, numerical, analog and digital circuit modellings were presented with 3 dimensional, continuous, autonomous new chaotic system. Lyapunov exponentials spectrum and bifurcation diagram were presented with timing ... -
FPGA Tabanlı IQ-Math Formatına Uygun Yüksek Hızlı Kaotik Osilatör Tasarımı
Kaos tabanlı mühendislik uygulamaları kriptografi, güvenli haberleşme ve rasgele sayı üreteci gibi pek çok alanda kullanılmaktadır. Kaos tabanlı uygulamalarda kullanılan önemli yapılardan birisi de kaotik üreteçtir. Bu ... -
FPGA Tabanlı Yeni bir GRSÜ Tasarımı
Bu çalışmada, kaos tabanlı yeni bir yapı kullanılarak yüksek çalışma ve bit üretim hızına sahip FPGA üzerinde gömülü Gerçek Rasgele Sayı Üreteci (GRSÜ) gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kaotik osilatörlerin gürültü benzeri özellikler ... -
FPGA Üzerinde Yeni Bir Kaotik Üretecin Gerçek Zamanlı Gerçekleştirilmesi
Tuna, Murat; Koyuncu, İsmail; Fidan, Can Bülent; Pehlivan, İhsan (IEEE, 2015)In this study, a new continuous-time autonomous chaotic system has been presented and implemented on FPGA. Presented a new chaotic system has been designed using the IEEE 754-1985 floating-point format and implemented using ... -
High speed FPGA-based chaotic oscillator design
Tuna, Murat; Alçın, Murat; Koyuncu, İsmail; Fidan, Can Bülent; Pehlivan, İhsan (Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, 2019)In this study, autonomous Lü-Chen (2002) chaotic system has been implemented on FPGA using Heun numerical algorithm in VHDL 32-bit IQ-Math fixed-point number format for developing embedded chaosbased engineering applications. ... -
Kaotik Osilatör Tabanlı Gömülü Gerçek Rasgele Sayı Üreteci
Bu çalışmada; FPGA üzerinde gerçek zamanlı, Heun nümerik diferansiyel denklem çözüm yöntemiyle yüksek bit üretim hızına sahip yeni kaotik sistem ile yüksek çalışma frekanslı halka osilatörler kullanılarak, yüksek çalışma ... -
Kaotik sistemler ve FPGA tabanlı kaotik osilatörlerin gerçek rasgele sayı üretimindeki (GRSÜ) önemi üzerine bir araştırma
Tuna, Murat; Fidan, Can Bülent (2018-08-15)Rasgele sayı üreteçleri kriptografi, Monte-Carlo metodunun kullanıldığı uygulamalar, bilgisayar benzetimleri ve modellemeleri ile sayısal analiz uygulamaları gibi birçok alanda kullanılmaktadır. Hızlı, güvenli ve yoğun ... -
Lü-Chen Kaotik Üretecinin FPGA Tabanlı Gerçek Zamanlı Gerçekleştirilmesi
In this study, we present a new approach for real-time implementation of continuous-time autonomous Lü-Chen (2002) chaotic system on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). In the presented approach, the Lü-Chen chaotic ... -
Real Time Hardware Implementation of the 3D Chaotic Oscillator which having Golden-Section Equilibra
Tuna, Murat; Fidan, Can Bülent; Koyuncu, İsmail; Pehlivan, İhsan (Ieee, 2016)In this study, the continuous-time, autonomous, 3D chaotic system having golden-section equilibra which is recently presented in the literature is implemented firstly as discrete time on an FPGA. In this design, the 3D ... -
Real Time Implementation of A Novel Chaotic Generator on FPGA
Tuna, Murat; Koyuncu, İsmail; Fidan, Can Bülent; Pehlivan, İhsan (Ieee, 2015)In this study, a new continuous-time autonomous chaotic system has been presented and implemented on FPGA. Presented a new chaotic system has been designed using the IEEE 754-1985 floating-point format and implemented using ... -
The Chaos-Based Dual Entropy Core TRNG On FPGA: VHDL CODES of Chaotic Systems
Tuna, Murat; Fidan, Can Bülent; Koyuncu, İsmail (LAMBERT Academic Publication (LAP), 2019)Chaotic systems exhibit complex and aperiodic behavior, sensitive dependence on initial conditions and emerge in deterministic nonlinear systems. Due to these features, intensive studies have been carried out on the ...