Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Russia's Managed Democracy in 2000s: How Informal Politics Contributed?
Russian Politics since 1990 witnessed an essential change which was expected to be a democratic transition. However, Putin’s presidency beginning with 2000 represented a turning mainly depending on the power vertical.This ...
Bir Melez Rejim Örneği Olarak Rekabetçi Otoriteryanizm
Rejim çalışmaları uzun bir dönem boyunca kapalı rejimler ve liberal demokrasilerin iki uç noktada yer aldığı ön kabulüyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Soğuk Savaşın sona ermesiyle liberal demokrasinin zaferi ilan edilmiş ve kapalı ...
Authoritarian Russia: Analyzing Post-Soviet Regime Changes
As usual characteristic of Gel’man’s work, this study includes a detailed knowledge of Russian political actors and institutions. The structure of the book provides an easy-reading framework to readers. First two chapters ...
Authoritarian Russia Analyzing Post-Soviet Regime Changes, by Vladimir Gel’man
(Kırklareli Üniversitesi, 2017)
Vladimir Gel’man, who is a professor of political science at the European University at St. Petersburg and Finland Distinguished Professor at the Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki, is the author and editor ...
(Kırklareli Üniversitesi, 2014)
Russian Politics since 1990 witnessed an essential change which was expected to be ademocratic transition. However, Putin’s presidency beginning with 2000 represented aturning mainly depending on the power vertical. This ...