Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Determinants of Capital Structure: An Application on Manufacturing Firms in Borsa Istanbul
This paper attempts to analyze the significant determinants of capital structure in Turkish manufacturing industry using panel data methodology. This study employs a data set containing annual data from 131 Turkish listed ...
Organic Food Consumption Scale (OFC): Development and Validation
The purpose of this study is to develop and validate the Organic Food Consumption Scale (“OFC”), a new measurement scale for organic food consumption. The questionnaire was administered to consumers of organic food ...
Regional Hegemony Quests in the Middle East from the Balance of Power System to the Balance of Proxy Wars: Turkey as Balancing Power for the Iran - Saudi Rivalry
This study examines the Iran-Saudi rivalry within the context of the changing balance of power in the Middle East. The main research questions were determined to be what the dynamics of the Iran-Saudi rivalry are and what ...
Dönüşerek Varlığını Sürdüren NATO’nun 2000’lerdeki Yeni Rolü: İŞİD/Terörizmle Mücadele ve Türkiye
Soğuk Savaş sonrası dönemde ortak savunma örgütü olan NATO’nun 2000’lerde terörle mücadele örgütüne dönüşümünü inceleyen çalışmanın hareket noktası, örgütün dağılmak yerine dönüşerek varlığını sürdürdüğü varsayımıdır. ...
Türkiye-Azerbaycan İlişkileri: Söylemden Reelpolitiğe
8 Ağustos 2008 tarihinde başlayan beş günlük Rus-Gürcü çatışması, Kafkasya politikası için bir dönüm noktası olmuştur. Kafkasya’da dengelerin değişerek yeni bir jeopolitik durumun ortaya çıkardığı yeni konjonktür, bölge ...
Kobi’lerin İhracat Performansını Belirleyen Faktörler
A consensus has not been reached on export performance although it is one of the most researched topics in the international marketing literature. Findings cannot be instructive for developing countries not only due to ...
J-curve in Turkish bilateral trade: A nonlinear approach
(Taylor and Francis Inc., 2019)
This study aims to bring further evidence on recent developments of the J-curve literature by employing linear and nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approaches for Turkish bilateral trade data with respect ...
Commodification and the Social Commons: Smallholder Autonomy and Rural–Urban Kinship Communalism in Turkey
(SAGE Publications Inc., 2014)
This article focuses on two ways in which smallholders—rural families, the peasantry—are responding to the contemporary neoliberal environment in Turkey by resisting commodification. This resistance, which takes place both ...
Festival visitors' satisfaction and loyalty: An example of small, local, and municipality organized festival
(Institute for Tourism, 2012)
Festivals have been proliferating worldwide, and local authorities are either supporting, or organizing small, local festivals to enhance the attractiveness of the destination for non-local visitors. Festivals are also ...
Social marketing may help: Organ donation among college students in a developing country perspective
(International Academy of Business and Economics, 2016)
In the European Union (EU), USA, and Turkey 19, 30, and 6 people respectively die each day while they are waiting for organ transplants that cannot take place because of the shortage of donated organs. Organ transplantation ...