Gelişmiş Arama

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dc.contributor.authorÖzek, Veyis
dc.contributor.authorMinsolmaz Yeler, Gülcan
dc.description.abstractBy the accession of computer to the process of design and production and use in searching for qualified solutions aiming rational practices within the architecture, the architect has gained more facilities and time for production of design ideas and for the visualization of its sketches. Computer technologies are also important for analyzing the problems and for determining the conformation of data obtained to the architectural solutions and for creating possibilities of testing the ability of the ideas. The aim of the architecture is the designing of ecological, economical, safe and healthy spaces necessary for the life comfort of the user. During the rapid development of the technology and social life and the changes caused by them, the designer has to add new ones to the disciplines which he has to be in interaction with. By creating new forms and spaces the designer can visualize and discuss them more easily and quickly. The forms designed by the agency of virtual reality can be analyzed in three-dimensional aspects and the architectural places can be lived in visually beforehand. This kind of studying also accelerates the creation process of the architect. Biomorphic, complicated, curvilinear, free and fluid shapes which are difficult to design and realize within the traditional technologies can be applied easily by the advanced technology of production and material. The characteristic design studio creates a kind of scenario and presents sculptural expressions of architectural spaces. The dynamic, emphasizing, communicative values of shapes become the important elements of architectural space design. This study is discussing the process of the architectural design and the production of space by contributions of the digital technologies.
dc.subjectComputer Aided Design (CAD)
dc.subjectComputer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
dc.subjectDigital Architecture
dc.subjectVirtual Reality
dc.titleA Comment On Digital Technology in Architecture From Designing to Using Phase
dc.departmentFakülteler, Mimarlık Fakültesi, Mimarlık Bölümü

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