A Research on Brand Addiction

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Serdar Canbaz, Hüseyin Çiçek, Uğur Eyidiker, "A Research on Brand Addiction", İİB International Refereed Academic Social Sciences Journal, Volume 15, 2014, pp 135-154.Abstract
Brand is an acknowledged concept increasing the value of a product and services as well as providing convenience to its buyer. Seller, along with availing himself, obtains a link between himself and buyer. This phenomena which we come across as an addiction turns into a kind of a sense of belonging in which buyers would under no circumstances change their ideas. Therefore the desire to create a brand and brand addiction is unavoidable. Brand addiction, in other words brand loyalty constitutes of the subject of this research. How the effect that brand owners try to create on the users gets what reaction is explained keeping a pilot consumer group as a base. In addition, the pilot consumer group is selected through high school students. According to this base the shampoo usage and the addiction to shampoo brands have been analyzed by means of a questionnaire method. All told 10 question with the addition of 18 views with 5-score-Likert measurement have been asked to the group with altering habits and with their recently settling brand addiction. The credibility test of the research has been examined and realized through Kolmogorov-Simirnov normal distribution test and Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests. The research subject has been distributed according to the age, gender and income level of the group. The answers given to the research questions indicate the effect of traditional structure-the family, advices from relations and friends, and TV commercials on creating brand addiction. Majority of the pilot group participating in the research declare that they will try to find the shampoo brand wherever it is available when they finish it, which clearly indicates that the participants are highly addicted to the shampoo brands that they use. On the other hand in case there is an unexpected side effect in the brand they are using they tend to lack loyalty. However, as long as the brand meets the expectations the addiction level increases.
İİB International Refereed Academic Social Sciences JournalCollections
- Makale Koleksiyonu [43]
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